Changes Segurança Social for independent workers

As per January, 1st 2019 the rules for the determination of the contribution to the Segurança Social will change. This is applicable only for the “Trabalhadores Independente” en/of “ Empresários em nome individual”, for sole companies, independent workers for subjected to IRS legislation. In the meantime, a lot of independent workers already have received an e-mail from the social security about those changes. This news item is about the upcoming changes which now have been communicated. The next months there ...

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E-fatura 2017

E-fatura explained

What is E-fatura

E-fatura is a governmental system that assists with the online registration of invoices which contain the NIF number. The government uses this system to control the incoming and outgoing VAT. Because the part of the control can be done by the residents in Portugal, the residents receive a deductions on their income tax(IRS).

The E-fatura links the invoice from the supplier to your personal page with the NIF number. Because the invoice is registered, the state can control ...

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